Photo of Pedro Polengard Dominican Republic

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Peter Polen Garden, Polengard Dominican Artist, born Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic, 19 October 1946. Eestudio at the National School of Fine Arts from the year 1966 to 1969. This great artist has made several Exhibitions Dominican individual in the country and abroad, and participated in numerous group exhibitions. Exhibitions 2006 Collective exhibition of drawings in the museum's drawing wl Dominic Santo, Santo Domingo, DR 2005 Collective exhibition of 30 works in CODAP (Dominican College of...
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Photo of Pedro Polengard Dominican Republic

Peter Polen Garden, Polengard Dominican Artist, born Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic, 19 October 1946. Eestudio at the National School of Fine Arts from the year 1966 to 1969. This great artist has made several Exhibitions Dominican individual in the country and abroad, and participated in numerous group exhibitions. Exhibitions 2006 Collective exhibition of drawings in the museum's drawing wl Dominic Santo, Santo Domingo, DR 2005 Collective exhibition of 30 works in CODAP (Dominican College of plastic artist. 2005 Canvas Dominican Identity at the Museum del Hombre Dominicano, Santo Domingo, Dominican Painters RD 2003 in Ecuador, Febre Cultural Center. 1995 Scout Guide, Lope de Vega, Santo Domingo, DR 1995 Collective Hispnica Cultural Institute, Santo Domingo, DR 1994 II International Symposium Religious Worship the Ancestors of the Caribbean. 1993 Popular Culture Museum, Coyoacan, Mexico. 1993 Ponderosa restaurant chain to acquire a complete collection The exhibition of his works in permanent ponderosa, Arecibo, Puerto Rico 1993 CODAP Galera, A Song of the Deep, Santo Domingo, DR 1993 permanent Collective Giokonda Art Gallery, Santo Domingo, DR 1993 Collective Guatibir Galera, Puerto Rico Rio Piedra. 1992 National Competition for Hotels BarcelSanto Domingo, DR 1992 Collective Galera, Guatibir, Rio Piedra, Puerto Rico. 1991 Labrador Art Gallery, Hato Rey, Puerto Rico. 1990 Galera, Guatibir, Rio Piedra, Puerto Rico. 1989 Galera, Guatibir, Rio Piedra, Puerto Rico. Collective 1985 Hotel Plaza Dominicana, Santo Domingo, DR 1983 First Festival of Culture, Gallery of Modern Art. Praboloide 1982, Plaza de la Cultura, Santo Domingo, DR 1979 Delilah Terrace Art, Puerto Plata, Dominican RD 1979 American Collective, Puerto Plata, RD 1978 City Council Club Puerto Plata, RD themed A little common criticisms in our environment. But with a universal tradition that goes back in to Degas, Lautrec and the young Toluse Picasso, encourages the production of Polengard pictorial as unveiled at the recent exhibition at the Sheraton Hotel. My Friends Bars connotations, given by the title, autobiographical, but from the point of view of style, the utilization of a fee elongated figures, is the incorporation of features simultaneously expressionist and a postmodern imaginary recreation involves the interpretation of aesthetic experience, filtered affectivity, memory, and ultimately, a willingness and artistic subjectivity. -Laura Gil-Polegard works are those of an artist who responds to your breath inside your desire to renew and transform your painting. His past solo exhibitions both in Mexico, Puerto Rico, as in the Dominican Republic, has opened a place in our minds, a space both physical and spiritual, l for the enjoyment of works that support a particular discourse is so imperious and voluptuous, the artist's works is expressed and embodied in the creation of a work very own, different from the repetition that we have used many creators. -Antonio Acevedo-Polengard successful farmer folkloric themes of the genre and the catapult Negroid conquer the international market, achieved with my friends in the BAR to turn their creations into a reflection of his autobiographical coctidianidad where testimony leaves besides his job as a painter of the school. Her works are visual memories of moments of comfort recreation, shared drinks, artfully chic and glamorous women, and men to the furtive pleasure hunting, is besides the radiographic survival of a feverish fantasy that we imprison for the pain it hurts less. -Virginia Goris-The configuration of the work of this artist, get a drive element, reaching at their own pace pictorial modems and becomes an obvious asmismo epochal study, as they were in the famous moments Toulouse Lautrec posters, especially those inspired by the Moulling Rouge, works in which actors, cafes and street characters become symbols of a decadent society. -Hamlet G. Rubio

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